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Old Market Square, Nottingham

Hydroponics Centre: Image


Hydroponic Community Centre in Nottingham

I was assigned the task to design a community centre in the Old Market Square in Nottingham. The square has a rich 800 year history as a market and was recently redesigned in 2005 to be a flexible space that hosts fairs, markets and many more events. The square was cleared and repaved with durable stone, therefore the green lawns, flower beds and some trees were lost. Studies show that being around nature is good for our mental health due to our innate biophillic nature. Because of this I was keen to reintroduce greenery to the site, whilst maintaining the flexibility of the existing space.


I wanted my centre to help people grow food at home. Many homes in and around Nottingham have small or no gardens at all.

So how do you grow your own food without a garden? 


This is how hydroponics are involved. Countries such as Finland an Sweden use hydroponics on an industrial scale to grow fruit and vegetables vertically to minimise space usage. This technology can be down-scaled to suit the home. Growing your own food is very rewarding whilst also reducing food bills and the carbon footprint of the occupants. Now it can be done in your kitchen or balcony.

Hydroponics Centre: About
Hydroponics Centre: Gallery
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Hydroponics Centre: Image


Showing the building sunk into the site to fit into the shallow incline and reduce visual impact onto the square. The building is integrated into the site as the current paving appears to "lift" into a series of steps in which the centre is revealed beneath. I wanted the building to add, not detract, from the footprint of the square so the public can meet, gather, and walk up the stairs to access a roof garden with a view over the market.

Hydroponics Centre: Text
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Hydroponics Centre: Image

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Hydroponics Centre: Gallery
Hydroponics Centre: Image
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Hydroponics Centre: Text
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Site model showing building sunk into the incline of the site

Hydroponics Centre: Gallery
Hydroponics Centre: Image


Visualisations walking around the square, towards and inside the building

Hydroponics Centre: Gallery
Hydroponics Centre: Text
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